Antibodies (film)

Antibodies German Antikrper is a German crimedramathriller directed by Christian Alvart and stars Norman Reedus, Wotan Wilke Mhring and Andr Hennicke.

In the small village of Herzbach, memories of the unsolved murder of 12yearold Lucy are still alive and the crime is attributed to Engel. Michael Martens, a police officer from Herzbach, decides to travel to Berlin to talk with Engel. During the case, he neglected his wife and children.In Berlin, it is assumed that there are parallels between the murders. The Berlin police are no longer able to get information from Engel. Martens tries his luck, and manages to persuade Engel to talk. However, Engel is playing a game with Martens during which reality and fiction blend more and more. Martens is soon convinced that the murderer of the girl is still at large. ........

Source: Wikipedia